Thursday, November 5, 2009

Yo David, You Owe Me A Shout-Out, Love!

So next week we embark on the marvelous "David Tennant co-hosts Absolute Radio" Week!  SQUEE!!!  Can't wait to stay up 'round the clock just to catch this live!!  That reminds me, Christian O'Connell RTed (retweeted) my hashtag tweet this morning (Ooooh, that's what?  5 OC RT's to date? XD) and in case you missed it, I was not asking but telling all you tweeps to spread that #absolutedt hashtag like wildfire next week because it WILL trend next week, damn it - it's GOT to!  Maybe that would encourage the man to finally break down and tweet.  ...sheah, right!  =(

All this brings me to my new shameless idea - to get David to give me a shout-out next week for all the hours I've spent bringing YouTube Land Davidy goodness!  To be more specific, for bringing Masterpiece Contemporary to the other side of the Atlantic.  Seriously though, don't you think I deserve something for all those endless hours of attempting to split, cut, reassemble and upload his work?  I say attempting 'cause, you know, I get kinda sidetracked with the actual footage!  ;D

So here's my plan - to get one of you tweeps to tweet @the_OC and tell him I deserve a DT Shout-Out for everything I do and have the rest of you lot RT that to him.  Any volunteers? that's gonna do anything more than clog up people's timelines.  Still would be fun though... for me anyway!  XD

Speaking of "fun"... in case anyone missed these WoM preview clips of sex on legs - almost literally - here ya go!  Enjoy!  ;D  Man, I'm gonna have a field day doing screencaps for THIS episode!  DAAAAAMN, David!

We've got quite the line-up of Tennant Treats coming up these next two months and I can't wait!  Maybe next time I'll post a calendar - yeah he's got THAT much stuff coming up, chickies!  Time to clear those DVRs of X-Factor and your kids' shows - this stuff is important!  Looks like Santa finally got my letter telling him all I wanted for Christmas was David Tennant and he was able to pull some strings!  XD  DAMN YOU USPS (United States Postal Service)!!  Well, better late than never, eh?  Oh puleeze, like you never thought to ask Santa for that!  ;D

I dedicate this week's #TennantTreats to @salleeten... she'll know why once she scrolls down!  Have a great week!  =D

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rex - But Not The Dog, The Lawyer...

No seriously, one of my followers on Twitter has a dog named Rex... [insert The Twilight Zone theme here]  I wonder if that's a sign.  Hmmm...

So it's only Thursday... no wait, Wednesday, but Tuesday's news deserved a blog entry - David Tennant to do an NBC pilot.  Wow!  Who would've thunk, eh?

In case you missed this glorious news here's the original article from The Hollywood Reporter from Monday night regarding David's casting and some info about Rex is Not Your Lawyer.

So some dtfangirls are happy, some are downright pissed off about David taking on this American project on NBC and some like to rain on my parade by reminding me that oodles of pilots are made and never get picked up.  And to the latter I say this:


- The pilot is being directed by David Semel who directed the pilots for "Heroes" and "Life".

- The head executive producer is Barry Schindel who brought us the entire "Law and Order" franchise.

- The other executive producers are Gail Berman ("Malcom in the Middle", "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Angel"), Lloyd Braun (greenlit "The Sopranos",  "Lost", "Desperate Housewives", "Grey's Anatomy") and Gene Stein.

- The show will be a legal dramedy (drama/comedy) which is currently lacking on American network television.

- The show will be quirky by all accounts and has been described as "Monk" meets "Ally McBeal".

- And of course, it will star a Mr. David Tennant who reportedly "nailed the part" after months of searching for a lead actor.  SQUEE!!

So there you have it folks, NOW tell me it's JUST a pilot!