Thursday, October 29, 2009

Steven Moffat - Home Wrecker!

GOODness what a week!

So first we were hit (across the pond... YES!!!) with David's debut on Masterpiece Contemporary followed by the Glorious 39 red carpet premiere and a hint at Burke & Hare???

We'll start with the muRdeR clip 'cause you know you wanna see Mr. Sex on Legs all over again!  muRdeR and YOOO... PBS is gonna get rich off me if he keeps asking me to make donations every Sunday night!  This reminds me of the anticipation I used to have for my Saturday night eye candy fix... sigh...

So glad my fellow American women are starting to catch on!  See what you chickies have been missing out on?  WHAT A MAN!

Next on my TO DO list is the lovely Mr. Tennant on the red carpet at the premiere of his new film, Glorious 39.  The man even got his own line in the credits and can be seen gracing (although flipped - I hate it when they flip pictures of David, grrr!) the theatrical release movie poster.

You know you want to see that HOT Scotsman strut his stuff on the red carpet and boy did he!  David can work ANY suit!

And right on that red carpet the awesome folks at Empire Magazine (I LOVE YOU GUYS!) managed to get this out of the man himself in regards to Burke & Hare - - and now I'm certain I'll be getting my geek on all alone in the theatre/cinema!  Oh, oh... that is NOT what I meant you dirty-minded readers, you! ; )

So all this brings me to the reason behind the title on today's post:


Clearly The Moff thinks this is going to win him plenty of hormonal, teenage, male viewers.  Guess my sorry GenX female ass is no longer wanted which is fine by me... I don't need to spend my Saturday nights watching this family smut when I can be watching any delicious episode from Series 2-4.

This is how it's going to go down in an average UK home on an unassuming Saturday night:

WTF is THIS?  There is no WAY we're letting our wee lad watch this!
But love, there is nothing wrong with the way she's dressed - oh hell, she's hot!
HOT? This is the kind of thing our son does NOT need to see! You are obviously thinking with your dick - typical man!
Mum?  Dad? You can have the telly back... that new Doctor has a really weird-shaped head and looks kind of Halloweeny.  I'm just going to go to my room to play with my Ten toys...[insert disappointed child's face here].

And now for the treats!  We'll start off with everyone's favorite cookie - this motivational poster is never going to get old, Mmmmmmm!  Go grab that pocketed bib, chickies!

Have a great week ladies!  ;D

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I LOVE PBS... plus, the sexiness factor has gone through the roof!

Well, I'm late posting today but I have a perfectly good explanation.  I was busy overnight butchering and cooking this baby up:

Is it me or did it get seriously hot in here?  Good lord, David!!! *fans self*

See?  Told you there was a good reason this post was late!

Before I go on to today's real post I will perform this week's public service announcement:

You have GOT to check out for awesome dt musings every week!

And now on to the juicy stuff... well, I say juicy but it's not all going to be about the mouth so... ; D

Let's get this ball rolling!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The TeninchPeggasm...

Well, well so finally the footage has emerged from Spooky Empire 2009 (you bastards are the same ones that were holding the San Diego Comic-Con footage hostage weren't you?!) and whaddaya know... Kesslerboy wasn't making it up!

To be honest, I am extremely shocked (and disappointed) that only one person... okay two if you count the Harvey guy from Bloody Disgusting dot com... thought David Tennant was important enough to warrant a tweet (and an 'article').  ONE person in a room of 300 people!  Leave it to Americans to pull this kinda sh*t!  This is what makes me a proud AMERICAN dtfangirl... uncultured yank lot you!  LOL!

So back to the footage... at 10:00 minutes in give or take you will hear the lead-in to the rather nonchalant announcement by director John Landis.  Notice the several "Oooh!"s you hear after 'David Tennant', heh heh.  So for those of you who missed the tweet/YouTube updates from my channel/etc.with the URL for the footage here it is: and in the eloquent words of John Barrowman, "Where the hell have you been" for the past 10 hours?!

I gotta say that going back and listening to the postcard from BBC Wales Radio, David is adorkably naive about the whole audition thing (I'm assuming this audition was for the Burke & Hare role but it COULD potentially be for another movie, I suppose.) and shares it all so candidly with us the way you tell classmates at school about your audition for the upcoming school play!  He is the sweetest actor on the planet, hands down!  I am so so proud to be an American dtfangirl in the loop because once that movie hits theatres (cinemas for you Brits, of course!) next year and all the girls who went to see Simon Pegg (sorry dude!) come out drooling all over themselves on their way home to google the 'Hot, tall, skinny guy in the movie with Simon Pegg', David is no longer going to be our little secret, girlies!  Yes, I know it's going to be hard but we're going to have to share him with the new girls! GRRRRRR!!! >=/

So on to what you're really here for - Davidy Goodness!  Why waste more time babbling (I do plenty of that on Twitter already) about these when all you want to do is take them in and enjoy them, eh?

Oh yeah, don't forget to wipe your screen! ;)


Thursday, October 8, 2009

So The Stunt Trousers Got Me Thinking...

As you have all seen - okay fine, so there might be one of you who refuses to see spoiler pics - Matt Smith was spotted this week wearing what are clearly David Tennant's stunt trousers on the set of what looks to be Episode 1 of Series 5 (or Series 1 or whatever-the-hell the Moff wants us to call it; i'll be calling it S5).

It all looks pretty interesting but that Karen Gillian leg porn is well, a tad too porn for a family show, imo!

So all these set pics of MS wearing the pinstripes got me interested in putting together a "before" and "after" composite of those trousers but MizGnomer at Gallifrey Base beat me to it and posted this with the accompanying (edited) quote:

"Granted, DT's hands in his pockets give
him an unfair advantage... I am betting
 that those are DT's stunt trousers... and
it shows that David is taller as well."

Well, after seeing THAT, I was reminded rather blatantly that yes, David Tennant does have the finest rear on the planet in the univeRse so I set off on an expedition deep into my hard drive (uh... I SO didn't mean anything by that, sorry!) for some serious rear eye candy.

After a couple of mins (okay, maybe it was more like a couple of hours, lol!) I found these two pics:  The first one *clears throat* speaks for itself and the second one I thought was rather appropriate to kick off this blog given it's what I consider to be The Mother of All Ten Arse Screencaps!!

Enjoy them both (thoroughly!) & please remember to wipe your screen when you're finished.  Thank you! ;)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I Wasn't Kidding...

So here you have it girlies - my David Tennant eye candy shop!  May you (and I!) thoroughly enjoy yourself as you feast upon my delicious postings each and every Thursday!  Yum!